Then over last few days, I have noticed those same fingerprints everywhere. There are some on the walls, the doors, the windows, on the mirrors, and yes even on my glasses. With five children running around the house it is very hard to keep things clean. Yet, in the quiet moments of life I stop and smile at those fingerprints because, to a father, each of them are special. I can tell, based on size and location, who left what behind. Even the twins leave different fingerprints. God, in His Divine wisdom, has created each person to be different. No two of us are alike. We look different, have different talents, hobbies, and as scientists tell us,we even have different fingerprints.
Where have you left your fingerprints? Is it in the life of a son or daughter? A grandchild or neighbor? Are your fingerprints all over church as you use your gifts and abilities in God's house? I encourage you this week to stop and look at the fingerprints around your house. Marvel and enjoy them for a moment before you wash them away. And if you can, try to leave a few fingerprints of your own in the lives of someone close to you. Let them know you love and care for them.
Well said.