With warm weather trying to make its way into southern Michigan the threat of spring storms increase. In fact just a few days ago we had a very brief thunderstorm, the first of the year. The kids had been in bed for about ten minutes and were starting to drift off into peaceful sleep when BOOOOM! the whole house shock with the sound of thunder. Just then sounds of little feet pounded on the stairs as three fearful boys came running. They were soon followed by the girls and we all huddled on the couch waiting for the storm to pass.
Fear is a powerful emotion. It freezes the deer in the middle of the road, causes bulls to stampede, and teenage boys to loose hours of sleep trying to get up the courage to ask that girl out on a date. Fear triggers the fight or flight response in humans and animals. It causes us not to think correctly and can make us do things that are next to impossible for a "normal" human. Fear is a powerful thing that, when used correctly, can keep us from danger. However, if our fears are preyed upon we are easily mislead and can fall victim to many things.
Over the last few months I have sensed a rise in the fear level both in the church and in the community. Many people fear the loss of retirement plans, homes, and jobs for good reason.
The winter months bring the fear of getting sick or slipping on the ice for young and old alike. Just this week I ministered to several people who, for various reasons, have been gripped with overwhelming fear over past sins and how those sins effected their relationship with God. It is disheartening to see all of life's joy taken away by this overwhelming sense of fear.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation who shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold in my life of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1) The psalmist asks these questions with the understanding that in faith a Christian is able to answer through faith in Christ we fear nothing. Sin, death, and the devil have lost all power and fear through Christ on the cross. Even the uncertainties of this life loose the fear that is easily attracted to them, because in faith we know that God is in control of all things. There will always be storms in life and the thunder and lightening will rumble and flash. Fears in life will come, but they need not overcome us. Through Jesus we have the power to take control of our fears, leaving them at Jesus' feet and letting Him take over.
As the first spring storm passed by, it was special to see the children fall back into peaceful sleep. Their fear of storms still there, but knowing that He who watches over them is stronger than their fear. If only we adults could learn from children to put our hope and trust in Jesus so easily and rest in peace leaving our fears in Jesus hands.