Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fill it up.

For the first time in my life, I said those words at a gas station here in town. I was heading back home from a shut-in call and needed to stop for gas so I stopped at a small BP station. As I stepped out of the car to pump the gas I was greeted by a young man who asked how he could help. Suddenly realizing that this was a full service station, I told the man to fill it up and I got back into my nice warm car. I watched the man pump gas, clean my windows, and lights and I thought how rare this service was in America. The last time I remember being at a full service station was when I was a little boy and watched it all from the back, back seat of the family station wagon.

Why did gas stations stop offering full service? Was it a cost cutting measure? Were people too busy to wait for someone else to pump their gas? It was a pleasant experience to interact with someone in what usually is a solitary activity and in some small way it made my day. I would encourage everyone this week to think about a few ways that you can help fill up someones day with a warm smile, a friendly handshake, or an unexpected offer to help. Maybe these small acts of kindness and self sacrifice will go a long way into making this self serve world a better place.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

To Serve and Protect

Today I watched as New York's finest once again ran to the rescue of those who were trapped in a downed plane in the Hudson Bay. As I watched the events unfolding I thought to myself, what emotion would drive someone to risk their own life to save another? Could it be compassion? Wikipedia describes compassion as, " a profound human emotion prompted by the pain of others. More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering."

This coming Sunday the church celebrates Life Sunday. A time when we remember God has given to each of us life. Yet throughout our lives we are confront by so many different things that threaten to destroy God's gift of life. Sickness, accidents, war, murder, abortion, assisted suicide and so many others attempt to take away that which God has given. This threat does not just exist from the outside. Our own sinful nature continues to tempt us to do things we know are against God's will causing us to sin. In sinning we fall under the God's judgement that declares to each of us that, " wages of sin is death". Who will rescue us from the death that is all around us? The answer can be found in the cross. There on Calvary, Jesus demonstrated the ultimate compassion. Dying so our sins could be forgiven and we can have life.

Keep in your prayers those who were aboard the downed plane and their families, that all may be safe and uninjured. Pray also for those who continue to put their own lives in harm way so we may be safe from evil and harm. And most of all, as you celebrate the life God has given you, be on the lookout for the opportunities God will give you to show compassion to someone and in doing so reflect Jesus' love and life with those around you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Welcome to Emmanuel on the Ridge's new blog. We have created this blog as a quick way to communicate to our members and friends in Christ. We will post things like service times, special events and other announcements. We are under construction so check back often to see what is new on Emmanuel's blog. Blessings!